Education, Understanding & Acceptance
A message from our founder!
Education, Understanding & Acceptance
A message from our founder!
"Welcome to Sherlock Consultancy, my name is Natalie Sherlock, CEO. I set up this company because I know how difficult it is to live with all the derision, bullying and abuse that people with disabilities face every day.
I didn’t want anyone else to suffer in the same way. I knew I could only do that by educating people and spreading disability awareness, understanding and most importantly of all, acceptance! I was also sick of being turned away from multiple jobs, jobs I am qualified for and capable of doing well but I was refused, again and again.
When an employer hears the word “Disabled” they can switch off and they shouldn’t. I am here to educate them and break down the barriers toward work and teach them that “EVERYONE HAS VALUE” and EVERYONE deserves the same amount of respect, love, treatment and opportunities. Thank you so much for joining me in my mission to make the world a better place!"
How we can help
Our main aims:
How we can help
Our main aims:
To educate people; creating more awareness, understanding and acceptance of disabilities & mental health issues.
To break down barriers towards work by educating employers and providing them with easy, cost-effective solutions that they can implement within their business to be able to accommodate disabled employees and customers.
The idea of Sherlock Consultancy came when Natalie was given various opportunities to deliver disability training and presentations to businesses and professionals as part of her youth action project - 'the Chatterboxes'. Natalie grew so much in confidence and wanted to do more and more of it. She then turned this amazing experience into the business you see today.
After having such a hard time finding her dream job as a teaching assistant (applying and being turned down for all of them alongside hearing from friends how hard they were finding getting a job), Natalie decided to train parents, carers, businesses and schools in disability awareness, understanding and acceptance.
Meet the team

Natalie Sherlock
Founder & CEO

Jacob Smith
Team member

Team member

John Tulloch
Team member
Hi, I am Natalie Sherlock, founder and CEO of Sherlock Consultancy. In 2015, at the age of 18, I was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, a form of Autism. Throughout my childhood I attended a mainstream school and - as I previously mentioned - I have suffered from Anxiety and Depression for most of my life and lost my cousin in 2017 which made me extraordinarily passionate about mental health. School and childhood were very tough, especially as I was bullied and abused through most of it, by my peers and rather more shockingly, by my teacher. In 2005, as a result of this abuse, I was diagnosed with Epilepsy. Thankfully the seizures stopped completely in 2008 but the very fact that they happened in the first place was inexcusable. I continued being bullied until I left sixth form college. Now free from bullying and abuse, I decided something needed to be done! So, I did it! I set up this business. For me, real business success is knowing that something I have done or said has helped somebody - actually made a difference - that is what is really important to me!
Born in March 1999, Jacob Smith was diagnosed on the autistic spectrum days before his third birthday. His early diagnosis was due to his mother having studied to become a district nurse for the regional NHS trust. Because of this revaluation, the Department of Education sought to have Jacob placed in a special needs school to acquire funding for government spending on various other educational sector expenditures. However, with the help of a psychological organisation in London specialising in A.B.A therapy (Applied Behaviour Analysis), Jacob was instead able to attend mainstream education through the therapy program and get the help of teaching assistants. Having gone through primary school, secondary school, college and university environments, Jacob's awareness of human behaviour, communication and language was greatly studied and developed throughout his tenure. He has since been studying for a film and television course, as well as having volunteered for the Chatterboxes disability group for over ten years. Additionally, he established an AQA qualified peer mentoring initiative and provides media theory-oriented workshop presentations.
Hi, I’m Todd and I am an experienced public speaker and trainer. I joined Sherlock Consultancy because I’m passionate about making a difference within the community. My main role is as a workshop organiser and presenter. I plan to help deliver workshops and training around a range of different topics in order to raise awareness of various key issues.
Hello, my name is John Tulloch and I am currently 20 years old. I have what is called a learning disability which makes me struggle with many things like understanding complicated words, but also I suffer from mental health problems like severe depression and social anxiety which affects my life in many ways to a point where I struggle with my low mood plus I struggle with meeting new people. I am very passionate about mental health and improving the services because I believe that young people should be heard. I joined Sherlock Consultancy because I want to help spread awareness and understanding of disabilities and mental health.